Extra Long Stem Roses


Are you looking to impress? We found just the perfect rose bouquet for you. The Rose Guy’s exclusive extra long-stemmed roses are beautiful with a size that is sure to make a statement for any special celebration or event. If you ever need to find the perfect gift then our extra-long stem roses will be sure to impress.


All our roses are grown beneath the magnificent volcanos of Ecuador. We deliver the longest stem roses with “Altitude and Attitude”. “The World’s Most Beautiful Long Stem Roses” to any US address.

Add the roses to your cart, sit back, relax. Your long-stemmed rose bouquets will be delivered to you, your loved ones, special friends or business associates doorstep in four to five days.

Please note: Colors may vary slightly from the photo as each bouquet is created based on the season.

Colors Available

Red, Yellow, Red and White, White.

SKU: N/A Category:


260.00260.00Are you looking to impress? We found just the perfect rose bouquet for you. The Rose Guy’s exclusive extra long-stemmed roses are beautiful with a size that is sure to make a statement for any special celebration or event. If you ever need to find the perfect gift then our extra-long stem roses will be sure to impress.


All our roses are grown beneath the magnificent volcanos of Ecuador. We deliver the longest stem roses with “Altitude and Attitude”. “The World’s Most Beautiful Long Stem Roses” to any US address.

Add the roses to your cart, sit back, and relax. Your long-stemmed rose bouquets will be delivered to you, your loved ones, special friends or business associate doorstep in four to five days.

Please note: Colors may vary slightly from the photo as each bouquet is created based on the season.

Colors Available

Red, Yellow, Red and White, White.

Additional information

Choose number of long stems



Red, Yellow, Red and White, White


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