Light Pink Roses


The  rose  is not just the most loved flower in the world, it’s also the flower that is regarded as the best representation of love. Whether it’s a bouquet of long stems for Valentine’s day or a bundle of romantic garden roses for your walk down the aisle, there’s a fresh and modern way to use this classic flower at any time of the year and we have them all.
The Rose Guy takes pride in offering a wide variety of roses in dozens of colors and shades from responsible growers in Ecuador. We guarantee your flowers will arrive fresh and open beautifully to fill your event or home with fragrance and life. Explore our classic natural roses for traditional arrangements and our glitter or tinted roses for a one-of-a-kind look.

Your Rose Guy is premium wholesale farm-direct roses that are sustainably grown in Ecuador and add vivid color and elegance to any occasion. We offer the freshest roses that are cut and shipped directly to your door. Enjoy farm fresh flowers that last twice as long as market flowers.

  • Stem length: 16 in / 40 cm, 20 in / 50 cm, 24 in / 60 cm
  • Bloom size: approximately 2.2 in / 5.5 cm
  • Season: available year-round
  • Grown in Ecuador
  • Suggested delivery date: 2 to 3 days before your event
  • Average vase life: with proper care and handling, 7 to 10 days


The  rose  is not just the most loved flower in the world, it’s also the flower that is regarded as the best representation of love. Whether it’s a bouquet of long stems for Valentine’s day or a bundle of romantic garden roses for your walk down the aisle, there’s a fresh and modern way to use this classic flower at any time of the year and we have them all.
The Rose Guy takes pride in offering a wide variety of roses in dozens of colors and shades from responsible growers in Ecuador. We guarantee your flowers will arrive fresh and open beautifully to fill your event or home with fragrance and life. Explore our classic natural roses for traditional arrangements and our glitter or tinted roses for a one-of-a-kind look.

  • Stem length: 16 in / 40 cm, 20 in / 50 cm, 24 in / 60 cm
  • Bloom size: approximately 2.2 in / 5.5 cm
  • Season: available year-round
  • Grown in Ecuador
  • Suggested delivery date: 2 to 3 days before your event
  • Average vase life: with proper care and handling, 7 to 10 days

Additional information


50 Stems, 75 Stems, 100 Stems


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