Lavender & White Roses


Your Rose Guy is Premium Roses are picked fresh from the farm and shipped directly to you. All our farm-direct roses are sustainably grown in Ecuador and available in a wide variety of hues to add elegance and class to any occasion. Enjoy the freshest flowers that last twice as long as market bought-flowers.

  • Bloom Size Approximately: 5.5 cm/2.2 in
  • The box includes detailed care instructions
  • Cut and shipped directly from our farm upon order
  • Note. Please allow for small discrepancies in the color hue due to differences in monitor resolution and subtle climatic changes during the growing season.


Your Rose Guy is Premium Roses are picked fresh from the farm and shipped directly to you. All our farm-direct roses are sustainably grown in Ecuador and available in a wide variety of hues to add elegance and class to any occasion. Enjoy the freshest flowers that last twice as long as market bought-flowers.

  • Bloom Size Approximately: 5.5 cm/2.2 in
  • The box includes detailed care instructions
  • Cut and shipped directly from our farm upon order
  • Note. Please allow for small discrepancies in the color hue due to differences in monitor resolution and subtle climatic changes during the growing season. Dismiss