Rosey Posey


The perfect “starter” bouquet to experience beautiful garden roses!

We are excited to offer our most affordable bouquet ever! The Rosey Posey is a FARMER’S CHOICE bouquet which means your roses will be any color of our choosing. We design your bouquet with a variety of our prettiest roses of the day. Your bouquet may include pink, coral, fuchsia, peach, cream, violet, golden, lavender and wine-colored garden roses. This is the perfect bouquet to send someone who needs a little joy or encouragement and at a price point we hope makes you smile!

If you require specific colors for your roses, please order one of our other bouquets that are crafted by color.

Your garden roses are cut-to-order to ensure the freshest blooms. You will receive twelve (12) stems of exceptionally grown garden roses.

Important Details

  • Fragrance notes: mild rose scent
  • Please allow time for your roses to open from bud to bloom. This will take between two to four days. If you are purchasing these roses for an event, please choose a delivery date approximately two (2) days prior to your event so your roses are in full bloom for your celebration.
  • Vases do not come with arrangements
  • Garden roses are a gift from Mother Nature. We do everything in our power to assure the right roses are blooming in time for your order. There are times that we can’t guarantee the exact colors in photos will be available, but we do promise to always ship the best quality roses in a color as close to what’s shown on our website as possible. It is our pledge to you that your garden roses will be freshly harvested and beautiful. We hope you or your loved one feels the joy we put into our garden roses!



The perfect “starter” bouquet to experience beautiful garden roses!

We are excited to offer our most affordable bouquet ever! The Rosey Posey is a FARMER’S CHOICE bouquet which means your roses will be any color of our choosing. We design your bouquet with a variety of our prettiest roses of the day. Your bouquet may include pink, coral, fuchsia, peach, cream, violet, golden, lavender and wine-colored garden roses. This is the perfect bouquet to send someone who needs a little joy or encouragement and at a price point we hope makes you smile!

If you require specific colors for your roses, please order one of our other bouquets that are crafted by color.

Your garden roses are cut-to-order to ensure the freshest blooms. You will receive twelve (12) stems of exceptionally grown garden roses.

Important Details

  • Fragrance notes: mild rose scent
  • Please allow time for your roses to open from bud to bloom. This will take between two to four days. If you are purchasing these roses for an event, please choose a delivery date approximately two (2) days prior to your event so your roses are in full bloom for your celebration.
  • Vases do not come with arrangements
  • Garden roses are a gift from Mother Nature. We do everything in our power to assure the right roses are blooming in time for your order. There are times that we can’t guarantee the exact colors in photos will be available, but we do promise to always ship the best quality roses in a color as close to what’s shown on our website as possible. It is our pledge to you that your garden roses will be freshly harvested and beautiful. We hope you or your loved one feels the joy we put into our garden roses!



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