The perfect pick me up! This bouquet is perfect to bring vibrant color and happy wishes to your special recipient. Featuring 6 (30 tips) Lily Grass, 5 stems Gerberas Yellow, 5 stems Gerberas Pink, 5 stems Gerberas Hot Pink, 5 stems Gerberas Red, and 5 stems Gerberas Orange. Enjoy this bouquet on your own or brighten someone else’s day!
Stem length Approximately: 50 cm
- 31 Stems
- 6 (30 tips) Lily grass, 5 stems Gerberas Yellow, 5 stems Gerberas Pink, 5 stems Gerberas Hot Pink, 5 stems Gerberas Red, 5 stems Gerberas Orange,
- The box includes detailed care instructions. See sample instructions on our blog.
- Without cutting the rubber band, cut the stems diagonally approximately one inch.
- Cut and shipped directly from our farm upon order.
- Vase not included.
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