Create simple yet chic arrangements and bouquets with greenery from the Chic Greens Bouquet. This classic bouquet is full of Tree Fern, Lilly Grass, and Variegated Pittosporum adding depth to all your DIY centerpieces and bouquets.
Bouquet includes:
- 10 Tree Fern
- 16 Lilly Grass
- 4 Variegated Pittosporum
Care & Handling Guide:
- Remove greenery from box by cutting any straps located on the outside and inside of the box.
- Fill clean containers with at least 5 – 6 inches of fresh, cool water.
- Cut stems diagonally approximately one inch under running water.
- Immediately after cutting, place stems in the prepared containers.
- Keep greenery away from direct sunlight, drafts or excessive heat/cold.
- Change water and re-cut stems every 3 days
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